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It can be MEANINGful to Eat Healthily

It can be MEANINGful to Eat Healthily

We now know that vascular diseases including poorly-controlled / uncontrolled high blood pressure, and high blood cholesterol, as well as diabetes may lead to dementia.  Lifestyle changes including eating healthily is one sure way to better control or prevent vascular diseases and diabetes. The problem 

Mindfulness To Guard Against Mind-Full Syndrome

Mindfulness To Guard Against Mind-Full Syndrome

In my previous article, I wrote about brain scans done in a lot of studies to evaluate the positive effects from regular mindfulness practice had found that  a few parts of the brain including the hippocampus actually thicken with regular mindfulness practice. And the hippocampus  plays important roles in learning 

Add MEANINGS to Life Everyday

Add MEANINGS to Life Everyday

Last month, I wrote about how one can come to terms with the diagnosis of dementia. 1 week ago, I was asked to present on ways to keep one’s brain active and ways to prevent dementia. And for that presentation, I created this acronym: MEANINGS. I 

Coming to Terms with Dementia: What Would Buddha Do?

Coming to Terms with Dementia: What Would Buddha Do?

One of my students kept asked me this question several times after going through the workshop in which he experienced dementia and learn about dementia: “Why isn’t there somebody to teach people what to with dementia?” I didn’t quite understood him at first. I asked 

‘Challenging Behaviours’ are Unmet Needs in Action

‘Challenging Behaviours’ are Unmet Needs in Action

Do you remember the story of my mummy’s struggle with my late-grandfather’s refusal to shower for days which I shared some time back? For those who have not read that story, let me recap for you. My late grandfather had dementia. Once my mum called me, 

Look out for Our Experiential Dementia Workshop at A Community Centre near you in 2018!

Look out for Our Experiential Dementia Workshop at A Community Centre near you in 2018!

  To empower and inspire you and your friends to join me in my cause to create a society where people with dementia can use their existing strengths to pursue meaningful and happy lives, we are working with the People’s Association to bring you a