9 Simple Active Strategies for Adding MEANINGS to Your Life

9 Simple Active Strategies for Adding MEANINGS to Your Life

Over the past two years, I have been conducting increasingly more classes to get participants to be more active and to exercise more regularly. From my participants, I learnt that many people are not physically active enough as they felt that there are many barriers 

It can be MEANINGful to Eat Healthily

It can be MEANINGful to Eat Healthily

We now know that vascular diseases including poorly-controlled / uncontrolled high blood pressure, and high blood cholesterol, as well as diabetes may lead to dementia.  Lifestyle changes including eating healthily is one sure way to better control or prevent vascular diseases and diabetes. The problem 

Mindfulness To Guard Against Mind-Full Syndrome

Mindfulness To Guard Against Mind-Full Syndrome

In my previous article, I wrote about brain scans done in a lot of studies to evaluate the positive effects from regular mindfulness practice had found that  a few parts of the brain including the hippocampus actually thicken with regular mindfulness practice. And the hippocampus  plays important roles in learning